Master’s Degree in Arabic Language and Literature – Literature

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Study Plan:
NumberStrandStudy SystemStrand CodeCredit HoursPre-requisite
First: Course Requirements (24) Credit Hours
01Arabic rhetoric and stylisticsPhysical PresenceRTC64503N/A
02Comparative literatureRemote LearningLIT63903N/A
03Modern and contemporary linguistic schoolsRemote LearningLNG63303N/A
04Research methods in language, literature and text realizationPhysical PresenceLNG63403N/A
05Literature theoryRemote LearningLIT64003N/A
06Orientalism and WesteralismPhysical PresenceLIT64103N/A
07Issues of ancient Arabic literaturePhysical PresenceLIT64203N/A
08Ancient literary criticismPhysical PresenceLIT64303N/A
Total Credit Hours24
Second: Electives (6) Credit Hours
09Issues of modern Arabic literaturePhysical PresenceLIT64403N/A
10Literature of the Emirates and the Gulf: Issues and PhenomenaPhysical PresenceLIT64503N/A
Total Credit Hours06
Third: Thesis (9) Credit Hours
11ThesisRemote LearningLIT69109N/A
Total Credit Hours09