09lexical and terminologyPhysical PresenceLNG63803N/A
Number | Strand | Study System | Strand Code | Credit Hours | Pre-requisite |
First: Course Requirements (24) Credit Hours | |||||
01 | Arabic rhetoric and stylistics | Physical Presence | RTC645 | 03 | N/A |
02 | Comparative Literature | Remote Learning | LIT639 | 03 | N/A |
03 | Modern and Contemporary Linguistic Schools | Remote Learning | LNG633 | 03 | N/A |
04 | Research Methods in Language, Literature and Text Investigation | Physical Presence | LNG634 | 03 | N/A |
05 | Sociolinguistics | Physical Presence | LNG635 | 03 | N/A |
06 | Automatic processing of the Arabic language | Physical Presence | LNG636 | 03 | N/A |
07 | Applied linguistics | Physical Presence | LNG637 | 03 | N/A |
08 | lexical and terminology | Physical Presence | LNG638 | 03 | N/A |
Total Credit Hours | 24 | ||||
Second: Electives (3) Credit Hours | |||||
09 | Issues of modern Arabic literature | Physical Presence | LIT644 | 03 | N/A |
10 | Literature of the Emirates and the Gulf: Issues and Phenomena | Physical Presence | LIT645 | 03 | N/A |
Total Credit Hours | 06 | ||||
Third: Thesis (9) Credit Hours | |||||
11 | Thesis | Remote Learning | LIT691 | 09 | N/A |
Total Credit Hours | 09 |