Doctorate in Legal Jurisprudence in Contemporary Issues

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Study Plan:
CodeCourse Name Credit HoursPre-requisiteStudy System
First: Compulsory Courses / 18 credit hours
 0902940Fundamentalist Principles and Theories3Physical Attendance
 0902931Jurisprudence of Civilized Communication3Remote Learning
0902932Jurisprudence Principles and Theories3Remote Learning
 0902941Rule-based Authentication3Physical Attendance
 0902933Contemporary Jurisprudential Issues3Remote Learning
 0902942Islamic Jurisprudence and Fatwa3Physical Attendance
Second: Optional Courses – 6 credit hours
0902934Family Emerging Issues3Remote Learning
 0902930Critical Thought in Sciences of Sharia3Physical Attendance
 0902935Bank Transactions3Remote Learning
Third: Thesis – 30 Credit Hours
Thesis30 –
Head of Department: DR. MOHAMMED SHEIKH


Program Information:
  • Program Name: Doctorate in Legal Jurisprudence in Contemporary Issues
  • Program Code: 310
  • Material Changes to the Program Initial Approval Date: 24 May 2021
  • Program Providing Entity: College of Islamic Studies
  • Program Duration: (8) Eight Semesters
  • Program Hours: (54) credit hours
  • Total Number of Modules: (8) modules
 PhD Program Admission Requirements:
  • To be succeeded in the master’s degree or its equivalent with “very good” or above.
  • The master’s degree must be issued by a recognized university.
  • His master degree be in a subject that qualifies him for the specialized study he is applying to join.
  • To pass a written exam and a personal interview before the Scientific Committee
  • The Admission Committee may stipulate a number of pre-remedial courses for the admission of the student (who studied a master’s degree outside the university) to the PhD stage, and it may also exempt him from any remedial courses.
The student shall meet the following requirements to be admitted at the end of the first semester:
  • A minimum average of (3) in the semester average.
  • A minimum score of (1400) points in the Emirates Standardized Test (EmSAT) in Arabic language, and a minimum score of (1250) in English or its equivalent in other standardized tests (IETLS, TOEFL …). –
  • A minimum score of (700) points in the Emirates Standardized Test (EmSAT) in mathematics.
Fulfill the graduation requirements 
  • The PhD’s program is completed when all the courses of the program, including the thesis, are completed.
  • The student must obtain a cumulative GPA of no less than (3.00).
  • The student must spend the time required to obtain the degree and not exceed the maximum.
 Course Completion
  • The course is completed with a mark not less than (2.00).
  • PhD Certificate is awarded at the university with one of the following grades:
3.70 to 4.00Excellent
3.00 Less than – 3.70Very Good
Study System
  • The study system of the program is the credit hours system, and teaching will be during the academic week days only, i.e., from Monday to Friday.
  • The program is presented in the blended study system in accordance with the academic accreditation standards of the Ministry of Education in the United Arab Emirates.
Minimum and maximum academic load for the student

The student’s academic load in one semester ranges between (9) credit hours as a minimum, and (12) credit hours as a maximum.

Program Objectives:

The program aims to achieve the following:

  1. Deepening awareness of the characteristics of Islamic Sharia, which covers the renewed issues of society.
  2. Deepening knowledge of the efforts of scholars in understanding the issues of their societies in different eras and lands.
  3. Graduating a generation of researchers who understand the value of Ijtihad and Renewal, and are able to achieve in their times.
  4. Qualifying a group of graduates to take the responsibility for the renewal of the Islamic studies
Programme Outcomes
  1. Possess a downloadable theoretical knowledge that enables him to find appropriate solutions for the issues of our time.
  2. Assume the responsibility for managing tasks and utilizing knowledge and skills.
  3. Represent the Islamic approach in his behavior and interaction and work on developing and advancing Islamic knowledge.
  4. To be proficient in critical thinking and analysis skills, in addition to relentless pursuit towards career development and continuous learning.
  5. Capable of adaptation and deduction in jurisprudence for intricate juristic issues according to the principles and purposes of Sharia in order to find solutions to contemporary issues.
  6. Communicate and interact positively with the local and external community using various tools without compromising his religious and national affiliation.
  7. Having sober and balanced thinking methodology that protects him from the tendencies towards extremism and militancy.
  8. Having scientific and academic personality that contributes to teaching and training in universities and research centers and adds to the nation’s scientific and knowledge balance.
  9. Able to exercise influence on the thinking of others with evidence and proof, correct erroneous thought and refute suspicions.
  10. Having the mechanism of Ijtihad to resolve disputes and issues that occur in society and to clarify the ruling in accordance with the purposes of Sharia and the rules of fatwa.
Alignment between the Doctorate program learning outcomes and the National Qualification System (NQS) 
Strand Statement  Programme Learning Outcomes
KnowledgeComprehensive, in-depth and pivotal knowledge at the core of the field of work or professional academic specialization and in the common boundaries between different work fields or professional academic disciplines.***
New knowledge, based on the evaluation of independent experts working according to international standards, that comes through research or study, and contributes to the development of the relevant field of work or academic professional specialization

Concerned professional academics.

SkillsTo master a set of skills and methods, including communication, assessment, planning and thinking required to refine and expand existing knowledge or professional practice or to create original knowledge.********
Advanced skills in developing innovative solutions to critical research problems using advanced and independent intellectual skills and creative knowledge.******
Use advanced Information and communications technology (ICT) skills to present, explain and/or critique various complex issues for academic professionals, colleagues and the professional audience.****
Autonomy and ResponsibilityCan deal independently and subjectively with real and creative major authorities, adopting scientific approach and professional integrity, in addition to ongoing commitment to develop new ideas, processes, or systems in learning contexts.******
Assuming responsibility for managing all processes and systems that build and transform social and cultural norms, habits, and criteria.***** 
Integration into the ContextCan organize and manage complex technical operations****
Can lead and assume full responsibility for the development and implementation of individual or team strategy.****
Willingness to take initiative and actively participate with professional leaders of work teams and groups.****
Self-developmentCan analyze and criticize the findings of science in his field of specialization and contribute to its progress.******
Ability to conduct self-assessment and contribute to knowledge, ethics and professional practices including unfamiliar and unexpected learning contexts*******
Can consistently, sensitively and intuitively manage highly complex and diverse ethical issues, leading to just and valid judgments.*********
Employment Opportunities

The graduate of the program can join jobs in multiple institutions, including:

  • General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowments
  • Fatwa Center
  • Research under the supervision of the Authority.
  • Research under the supervision of the UAE Council for Fatwa
  • Supervising Quran Memorization Centers.
  • Mentoring the actors in the religious field of muftis, imams, and preachers.
  • Justice and judiciary professions.
  • Educational professions
  • Teaching in educational institutions.
  • Teaching and research in the higher education institutions.
  • Ministry of Tolerance
  • Al Muwatta Centre
  • Emirates Centre for Strategic Studies & Research
  • Zayed House for Islamic Culture.